Sunday, June 5, 2011

2011 TPA

This past weekend was our local Homeschool Conference. The speaker this year was Dr. Voddie Baucham. He did an awesome job and inspired a ton of people, including me.

 The best part about the homeschool conference is that I get to work as a hostess. A host gets to introduce speakers, do security, hand out bags, etc. It is fun to get to help out and in the mean time get to meet a ton of people. Also, I got to know the people I met last year a whole lot better. 


This it my friend Mica S.
I've worked with her the past two years and have had a blast!

Part of the time was spent working Dr. Voddie Baucham's booth.

And some of it was spent hosting workshops or keynotes.
Which was nice because I wanted to listen to them anyway.

Or, when you had free time you looked around the vendor hall. This year I was too busy and ended up not buying anything.

Sorry, we didn't take many photos. Way to busy talking.



1 comment:

  1. Lots of fun! Wish you could have come down to the AIC section!


Come on, I dare you too... :) I'd love to know you were here.

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